This list is hotter than Beth in her maternity clothes.
5. Da Vinci Code- Book was good for what is was- Tom Hanks couldnt act sitting on the toilet.
4. Red Dragon- Not Manhunter- the newer one by the same name.
3. Dracula- I'm with CG- that book is good- movie is almost funny.
2. Lord of the rings- didnt read the books. Dont need to. Those movies suck hairy balls.
1. Jurassic Park- I even knew in my prepubescent years that that movie stunk like Chris Hartzell's whitey tighties.
I think I just saw tears come from your posting.
Da Vinci-you can't get past the mullet...that movie sucked...I agree with Red Dragon; I read that book in High School and had high hopes for the remake of the original. In general, Ed Norton has poop butt. Truthfuly, LofR I thought was one of the truest translations i've ever seen. I've read those books three or four times. JP? Man, I read that book in middle school, but I still thought that Movie was badass- "objects in mirror are close than they appear"-that part is sweet. Also, the effects in that movie were money. Finally, I may agree on the fact that not enough people the beginning of the book where that kid gets gobbled up.
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