Monday, October 20, 2008


this book totally blew my mind. I never knew thinking outside the box was so possible. this is world view altering stuff man.
I'm extremely excited to screen the motion picture version with Bruce H. Willis. I eagerly anticipate all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

first book

through our online poll, in which we received 2 votes(thank you chuck). we have choosen "breakfast of champions." origanally the vote was split, but yip-e-ki-a mother fucker. this movie stars bruce willis.
you might be asking yourself, what do i do now? here is a step by step plan to doing well in HSBC.
1. get the book "breakfast of champions"
2. read the book
3. watch the film
4. consider, why does hollywood suck?
5. blog your ass off

you have 20 days, from the date at the end of this blog.
good luck.

Monday, September 15, 2008

did you notice that every movie was once a book?

here's my top 5, I think:
1. James and the Giant peach. Very few Roald Dahl books get down with the precision of the original Charlie.

2. In that vain: Matilda

3. Curious George. Jack Johnson did the soundtrack. good or bad you decide

4. Dark Half. Another stephen king book.

5. Kite runner, have not actually seen the movie but it looks bad.

5a. Fast food nation.

5b. Native Son. A tribute to Kelly Mckninnon. You do see brooke shields underage nip...

5c. Ishtar- enough said.

Also, Jim took half the books I had prepared.


In the interest of Science I request that you all view this video

Repo! The Genetic Opera trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies

Repo! The Genetic Opera trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies

is there a book?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

andromeda strain

A military satellite returns to Earth, and a military recovery team, in an client van, are dispatched to retrieve it; while on live radio communication with their base, those in the recovery team die. Aerial surveillance later shows everyone in Piedmont, Arizona, the town near the satellite's landing site, is thought to have died. The base commander suspects the satellite returned with an extraterrestrial organism, and recommends the Wildfire team be activated.
The government-sponsored Wildfire team counters extraterrestrial biological infestation, its five members are (i) Dr. Jeremy Stone, molecular biology specialist; (ii) Dr. Peter Leavitt, disease pathology; (iii) Dr. Charles Burton, infection vectors specialist; and (iv) Dr. Mark Hall, M.D., Surgeon, biochemistry and pH specialist. The fifth member scientist, Dr. Christian Kirke, electrolytes specialist, was unavailable for duty because of appendicitis.
The scientists think the satellite, designed to capture upper-atmosphere microorganisms for bio-weapon exploitation, returned with a microorganism that kills by disseminated intra-vascular coagulation. On investigating the town, the team discover residents either die in mid-stride or go "quietly nuts" and commit bizarre suicide. Piedmont's survivors, the sick, Sterno-addicted, geriatric Peter Jackson, and the crying infant, Jamie Ritter, are biologic opposites who survived Andromeda.
The man, infant, and satellite are taken to the secret Wildfire laboratory, in Flatrock, Nevada, sixty miles from Las Vegas. More investigation determines that the bizarre deaths were caused by a sulfur-based, crystal-structured, extraterrestrial microbe on a meteor that crashed with the satellite, then knocked it from orbit. The microbe is composed of the chemical elements of terrestrial life, but not of DNA, RNA, proteins, and amino acids, yet it directly transforms matter to energy and vice versa.
The microbe, named Andromeda, mutates with each growth cycle, changing its biologic properties. The scientists discover that Andromeda grows only in a narrow pH range; in a too-acid or too-basic growth medium, it will not multiply — Andromeda's pH range is 7.39–7.43, like that of human blood. Thus, why Jackson and Ritter survived, both had abnormal bl...

Choke follows Victor Mancini and his friend Denny through a few months of their lives with frequent flashbacks to the days when Victor was a child.[1] Victor grew up while going from one foster home to another. Victor's mother was found to be unfit to raise Victor. Several times throughout his childhood his mother would kidnap him from his various foster parents. They would eventually be caught and he would again be rehanded over to the government child welfare agency.
In the present day setting of the book, Victor is now a man in his mid-twenties who left medical school in order to find work to support his feeble mother who is now in a nursing home. He cannot afford the care that his mother is receiving so he resorts to being a con man. He consistently goes to various restaurants and purposely causes himself to choke mid-way through his meal, luring a "good Samaritan" into saving his life. He keeps a detailed list of everyone who saves him and sends them frequent letters about fictional bills he is unable to pay. The people feel so sorry for him that they give him money, send him cards and letters asking him about how he's doing, and even continue to send him money to help him with the bills.
While growing up, Victor's mother taught him numerous conspiracy theories and obscure medical facts which both confused and frightened him. It is because of this and his constant moves from one home to another that has left Victor unable to form lasting and stable relationships with women. Victor therefore finds himself getting sexual gratification from women in sexual addiction support groups.